Branding lesson: McDs vs Wānaka
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

Branding lesson: McDs vs Wānaka

Maccas is causing some DRAAAMA here in Wānaka. And while that's pretty lukewarm tea, it's actually a great example of branding... let me explain.

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Things I’m loving #2
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

Things I’m loving #2

Wow, a girl spends all her time writing thought-out, branding lesson-style blogs and y'all are just as keen for the off-the-cuff list of things I'm loving...

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Things I’m loving #1
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

Things I’m loving #1

Let's make today about getting you hopped up on creativity too. Here are some things I'm loving lately. Take what you want!

  • The Google doc…

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Peas and carrots make for great marketing
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

Peas and carrots make for great marketing

When it comes to advertising the truth is one of the most powerful tools in your pocket. You can't argue with it, which is a pretty great leg to stand on as a brand.

Like how this post…

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3 ways to get your emails opened
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

3 ways to get your emails opened

#1. Curious but not clickbait.

When it comes to your subject line you want people to open it, right? It's one of the two things (wait 'til #3 for the second) that stands between you and a great email open rate.

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Get your brand noticed in 3 minutes
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

Get your brand noticed in 3 minutes

#1. It's not about yelling louder. It's about talking to the right people.

Don't just throw more content out there, or make more ads, or do more things, to try to be more visible. Work out where your audience is. If you're not a newbie this still applies because…

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10 things I hate about the new ACC ads
Megan Raynor Megan Raynor

10 things I hate about the new ACC ads

Now using a negative bias in advertising isn't a new thing.

But if your only way to make your audience take action because they feel shit about themselves (I see you diet culture) it doesn't sound like a very value-led, or even creative-led, approach…

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